I was cleaning out the hut earlier today and I discovered something fishy. A piece of the floorboard fell out while I was vacuuming, revealing a dark, tiny crevice. I reached inside, and pulled out a plastic bag full of various objects.
The first thing within the bag was a balled up piece of paper. I flattened it, and attempted to read it. Scrawled all over the page, over and over again, "Revelations 1-8". It's just a weird bible verse. The next thing I pulled out from the bag was a photograph. There were three kids, and what seemed to be their parents, standing in the middle of a green field. I didn't understand the significance of the picture either. I flipped it over, and underlined in red ink read the phrase: "All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again." The third thing I pulled out was a sticky note, with tiny splashes of blood spilled over it, and scrawled, messy handwriting on it. "DO NOT TRUST THEM."
The final thing I pulled out of the bag was a shiny wrist watch. I don't know what to do with it, so I'm keeping it with me for now.
I don't trust the Lonely Hearts anymore. I have a bad feeling about this.
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