I'm worried. I didn't really give it any thought before, but what if that gang shows up again? What do I do? What if they try and kill me?
They showed no mercy to the last gravekeeper. In fact, now that I've dug up some dirt on the killing, I've discovered that it wasn't some ordinary murder. I mean, no murders are ordinary, but... this killing wasn't random... but also. Well. I'll just cut to the chase.
He was a sacrifice.
It occured sometime around 4 in the morning, which is strange in of itself. I know it took place at 4, because the file I found indicated that one of the suveillance cameras picked up "suspicious activity" around that time. The gang members jumped the fence on the southeast side of the graveyard, and made their way around to where I'm sitting right now, what I call "the gravekeeper's hut."
They barged in on the poor gravekeeper, who was probably sleeping on the job, considering the blanket and pillow found in the hut. In his startled daze, they grabbed him, pulled him from the hut, and dragged him to the center of the graveyard. Once there, they tied him to the giant memorial gravestone, which belonged to the found of the Lonely Hearts, the organzation that owns the graveyard.
And then they poured gasoline all over the poor fucker and lit him up, right against the gravestone. On the other side of the stone, there was graffitti.
It read: "Embrace the Archangel." And then some other strange design that I can't really identify in the foggy picture that's in the file. They've replaced the gravestone now, so I can't check.
The local news reported this killing as a somewhat random shooting, when in reality, it's much more disturbing than that. This is more in line with cults, than with gangs. It seems as if this was some type of spritual killing, or something....
But. You know...
Why did they cover this up in the first place?
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