Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Timberwolves II

I was watching the morning news in the hut earlier when they cut to a special report covering a deadly shooting that claimed two lives and injured three others. It involved the gang indiscriminately firing upon a government vehicle at an intersection. It happened right down the street.

What are the motives to this gang anyway? They're so hard to decipher. And to tell the truth, I am becoming more curious by the day. And, more terrified. I keep having this daydream when a bunch of them raid the cemetery, drag me out of this hut, and pull me against my will to the center of the yard.

Maybe I should quit but I can't. It's started. And Ican'tstop.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Why did the former keeper bury that useless stuff here? And what does it all mean? Did it mean anything at all? Was he... sane? Was he just aiming to mess with someone? Or maybe it was someone else entirely. Who is in that photo? What's the significance of that quote? What does that note mean by "them?"

Why am I worried about any of it all? I should stay focused on my job!!! Jesus Christ.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Cleaning

I was cleaning out the hut earlier today and I discovered something fishy. A piece of the floorboard fell out while I was vacuuming, revealing a dark, tiny crevice. I reached inside, and pulled out a plastic bag full of various objects.

The first thing within the bag was a balled up piece of paper. I flattened it, and attempted to read it. Scrawled all over the page, over and over again, "Revelations 1-8". It's just a weird bible verse. The next thing I pulled out from the bag was a photograph. There were three kids, and what seemed to be their parents, standing in the middle of a green field. I didn't understand the significance of the picture either. I flipped it over, and underlined in red ink read the phrase: "All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again." The third thing I pulled out was a sticky note, with tiny splashes of blood spilled over it, and scrawled, messy handwriting on it. "DO NOT TRUST THEM."


The final thing I pulled out of the bag was a shiny wrist watch. I don't know what to do with it, so I'm keeping it with me for now.

I don't trust the Lonely Hearts anymore. I have a bad feeling about this.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Little Crazy

I've been a bit shaken up by what happened last night. It was just plain eerie, and kind of spooky. It was like I was playing some scene from a horror movie out. I don't want to be in that situation again.

Just who is that guy anyway? How is he getting into the cemetery so easily? It isn't easy to climb over those iron-wrought fences. Must be some kind of acrobat.

Not only do I have to deal with this stress, but I've got deal with my mother having another panic attack at her place. She is convinced, get this, that dad has come back to life and he's chilling up in the attic. She has these sporadic breakdowns every couple of months, and I always have to be around to pick up the pieces. I don't want to have her committed, like my brothers do, but I do think she needs some kind of therapy. Some kind of help.

We're all going a little crazy around here it seems, though.

Trembling II

I was on the verge of falling to sleep when I heard the scuffling behind the hut. I immediately grabbed my flash light and jumped up. I slowly approached the window and looked outside.

And the hooded man was there, standing in the moonlight, staring at me while I stared at him.

I bolted to the door, opened it, and rushed outside after him. He was already running.  I chased him. He was running towards the same spot we ended up last time; the center of the cemetery.

Somehow I lost track of him. When I reached the center, he wasn't anywhere in sight. I thought he had disappeared again. I flashed everywhere looking for him. I was about to give up when the beam settled on a figure rising out from behind a grave a fair distance away.

I froze yet again, and it did as well. I stared at him while he was staring at me.

I ran yet again after him. He slowly descended and hid behind the giant gravestone. I got to it and flooded the area with light. The hooded man was gone.

Where did he go? Did he sneak off into the shadows? I looked everywhere. There wasn't any sign of the man. The morning sun rose up above the horizon once again when I got back to the hut.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


What I meant when I published the last post: I was in a long term relationship a few months ago. It ended when my girlfriend decided to hang herself in our bedroom closet.

Christ, I thought I was dealing with this like a normal person. Or maybe this is how a normal person deals with it. I don't know. All I know is that it's eroding my sanity to have to be embraced by my rotting dead girlfriend every night.

I'm afraid that I might embrace her back one night, and then that's when she'll drag me into the ground with her. I'm afraid of succumbing to her. I'm afraid of being buried alive with her.

I feel so goddamn guilty, too. 


I had a nightmare of her last night when I accidentally dozed off in the hut. It was sudden and fast this time, instead of the dreadful eternal nightmares. One moment, I was in bed, and the next, I felt the crunch of dirt on my legs and the smell of rot before me.

She was there, climbing into bed. I tried to push her away but she pulled me into a kiss.

She was my girlfriend and I loved her. But now she's a corpse and I don't know if I still love her.